01.01.2020 - 03.01.2020, Private, Berlin, Germany
07.01.2020 - 11.01.2020, Les Napoleons, val d'Isère, France
23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020, Founders Pledge, Chamonix, France
08.02.2020 - 14.02.2020, London Business School, London, England
14.02.2020 - 16.02.2020, Private, Cambridge, England
16.02.2020 - 17.02.2020, Zürich Insurance, Zürich, Switzerland
18.02.2020 - 20.02.2020, Nervanix, New York, NY
29.02.2020, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA
06.03.2020, Wealth Management Conference, London, England
06.06.2020, TEDxAstonUni, Birmingham, England
01.01.2020 - 03.01.2020, Private, Berlin, Germany
07.01.2020 - 11.01.2020, Les Napoleons, val d'Isère, France
23.01.2020 - 26.01.2020, Founders Pledge, Chamonix, France
08.02.2020 - 14.02.2020, London Business School, London, England
14.02.2020 - 16.02.2020, Private, Cambridge, England
16.02.2020 - 17.02.2020, Zürich Insurance, Zürich, Switzerland
18.02.2020 - 20.02.2020, Nervanix, New York, NY
29.02.2020, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA
06.03.2020, Wealth Management Conference, London, England
06.06.2020, TEDxAstonUni, Birmingham, England


Articles about Prof. Cerf
TG Daily. "From Hacking to Studying the Brain" (2009.08.01)
CBC Radio, "Australia, Featured scientist" (2008.10.20)
Focus. "Neuroscientist Moran Cerf’s vision of remote people" (2009.01.01)
Zhejiang news, "Moran Cerf connects the brain to machines" (2009.02.01)
Haaretz, "Israeli Hacker Turned Brain Researcher Making Waves" (2012.06.01)
Tehelka.com, "The Hacker-Turned-Neuroscientist Who Can Read Your Mind" (2013.11.09)
Tehelka.com, "How Do You Hack into A Brain?" (2013.11.16)
Your Story, "How a hacker became a neuroscientist. Meet Moran Cerf" (2013.12.03)
Teheleka, "How a hacker became a neuroscientist" (2013.12.03)
Reader's Digest, "That time I tried to scam a radio quiz show (and totally blew it)" (2014.01.01)
Elle, "Elle’s 41 most eligible bachelors" (2015.02.14)
Make Magazine,, "Let's start hacking brains" (2015.11.18)
Wired, "Jazz-clarinet carrots and parkour in Gaza: 12 things I learned at TED2016" (2016.02.14)
Thaindian news, "Dr. Moran Cerf working on a dream recording machine" ()
MBA Crystal Ball, "Kellogg Professor blends business and neuroscience to gain fascinating insights" (2016.07.29)
NYCity Guys, "NYCC 2016: Actor Zak Orth & Scientist Moran Cerf Talk “Falling Water" (2016.10.12)
Inverse, "A Dream Scientist Explains Why 'Falling Water' Isn't All Bunk" (2016.10.13)
Maine Free Press, "PopTech, Quiet awesome adulthood" (2016.10.27)
The Johns Hopkins Newsletter, "Students present at the Nu Rho Psi symposium" (2016.11.03)
Take Magazine, "Pop culture, cutting-edge technology - PopTech 2016" (2016.11.15)
WaitButWhy, "Neuralink and the brain's magical future" (2017.01.20)
Silex, "Event Reporter - USI 2017" (2017.06.20)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist explains why he always picks the 2nd menu item on a list of specials" (2017.07.18)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist who studies decisions reveals the most important choice you can make" (2017.07.28)
Insider, "A neuroscientist reveals his strategy for making himself luckier" (2017.07.31)
National Post, "This is why one neuroscientist always orders the second item on the specials menu" (2017.08.01)
Le Figaro, "Communicating with machines through thought, the new obsession of Silicon Valley" (2017.08.02)
World Economic Forum, "A neuroscientist reveals the most important choice you can make" (2017.08.04)
Hack Spirit, "A neuroscientist who studies decisions reveals the most important choice you can make" (2017.08.05)
Fun#Buzz, "A neuroscientist who studies decisions reveals the most important choice you can make" (2017.08.05)
Doyel Times, "A neuroscientist explains why he always picks the 2nd menu item on a list of specials" (2017.08.05)
Fortune, "Hacking Coinbase: the great bitcoin bank robber" (2017.08.22)
INC, "This neuroscientist thinks he knows the future of human evolution. It will surprise and inspire you" (2017.08.22)
Mic, "This one mistake stops you from getting rich and achieving your biggest goals" (2017.09.25)
Research | Northwestern, "Better together: breakthrough science the Northwestern way" (2017.10.10)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist explains how to fix your bad habits and save more money" (2017.10.16)
Silex iD, "PopTech 2017" (2017.11.01)
INC, "The key to reducing stress? Neuroscientist says do this one thing" (2017.11.08)
Business Insider, " took a neuroscientist's advice for saving money, and it's transformed my finances" (2017.11.13)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist who studies decision-making shares his best advice for healthy living" (2018.01.03)
Viacom, "Uncharted Territory: The relationship between brain waves and blockbuster movies" (2018.01.26)
BBC, "Esta es la mejor decisión que puedes tomar en la vida, según el neurocientífico Moran Cerf" (2018.02.09)
CNN, "How close are we to video-recording our dreams" (2018.04.05)
Qrius, "Can you video-record your dreams? Scientists may just be close to doing it" (2018.04.08)
Campaign, "Tackle unconscious bias by accepting more than one 'you' in your head, professor warns" (2018.04.20)
Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Neuroscientist Moran Cerf on How the Brain Processes Risk" (2018.12.21)
Israel 21c, "The scientist who can inject ideas into your dreams" (2019.01.14)
Time, "6 Tech Leaders on What They Fear the Most" (2019.01.17)
Harvard Business Review, "Neuromarketing: What you need to know" (2019.01.23)
Forbes, "How Artificial Intelligence changes us" (2019.01.31)
Forbes, "Hacking Into The Human Brain Could Create Superhumans. Here's How" (2019.02.26)
HR in Asia, "How to Train Your Brain to Make Better Decisions" (2019.06.20)
FastCompany, "From bionics to brain chips, hacking humanity has never been more ethically fraught" (2019.07.10)
FastCompany, "From a cyborg manifesto to hacking humanity" (2019.07.22)
New York Times, "Science Events" (2019.09.23)
Techer, "Only in dreams. Moran Cerf is unwinding the mysteries of the resting mind" (2020.06.11)
Chicago, "Moran Cerf wants to get inside your head" (2020.10.07)
Haaretz, "Even Israel's secret service can be hacked, and this expert knows why" (2020.12.31)
Medium, "Meet the disruptors" (2022.04.28)
New York Times, 'Nuclear War Could End the World, but What if It’s All in Our Heads?' (2023.08.22)
New York Times, 'Will ‘Future You’ Thank ‘Today You’ for Getting Married?' (2023.08.10)
Israel21c, "As Israel turns 75, meet 48 Israelis who are shaping the world" (2023.04.17)
Financial Times, "300 nuclear missiles are headed your way. What not?"(2023.02.11)
Interviews with Prof. Cerf
Wired, “Our brain is the puppeteer. We are simply agents” (2013.10.17)
Hangzhou News. “What is Human2.0? U.S. scientist Moran Cerf tells you” (2013.12.03)
Wall Street Journal, "How to Improve Cybersecurity? Just Eliminate the Human Factor" (2016.01.18)
Business Day, “The weakness of computer is the humans who use them” (2016.01.19)
The Entrepreneur, “How humans plus machines will equal amazing advancements” (2016.02.03)
The Atlantic, “The future of fraud-busting” (2016.03.16)
CNN, "Ashley Madison: life after the hack" (2016,03.17)
Chicago Tribune, "As McDonald's looks forward, 'Founder' Movie shows shadowy view of past" (2016.12.13)
Huffington Post, 'Our Terrifying, Inspiring, Tech Future of Radical Transparency and Abundance' (2017.01.06)
Forbes, “Profile: Moran Cerf, the brain 'hacker' (2017.05.19)
Today Software Magazine, "Interface with the human brain - interview with Moran Cerf" (2017.06.199)
Museum of the Moving Image, "Brain dead: Interview with Dr. Moran Cerf" (2017.07..20)
Globes, "We ask study participants what they want/think, but rather look into their brains" (2017.07.21)
Forbes, "Beyond Virtual Reality: synthetic reality and our co-created futures" (2017.08.18)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist reveals the 6 most important choices you can make" (2017.10.01)
Chicago Tribune, "How is editing DNA like working your way up the ladder? Adapting." (2017.10.18)
Business Insider, "Advertisers can target you psychologically based on Facebook likes, study finds" (2017.11.20)
Business Insider, "A neuroscientist says you might be luckier than you think - here's how to find out" (2018.01.26)
The Times, "If you’re not cybersafe, be ashamed" (2018.08.133)
Israel 21c, 'How hacking the human brain can improve how we think and learn' (2019.01.15)
Inverse,. "CBD did something to my dreams, but even scientists don’t know what" (2019.07.17)
New Yorker, "The neuroscience of picking a presidential candidate" (2020.02.03)
Forbes, "People want to stop the pandemic and save the economy, but our brain make it hard" (2020.05.01)
Haaretz, "Even Israel's secret service can be hacked, and this expert knows why" (2020.12.31)
Time, "5 Mental tricks that will make you better at money, according to neuroscientists" (2021.01.20)
Financial Times, "300 nuclear missiles are headed your way. You must respond. What now?" (2023.01.19)
TheMarker, "I installed Google's Digital Wallet, and then I panicked" (2023.03.16)
CBC, "Striking Hollywood writers fear AI will write them out of the script" (2023.05.06)

Articles by Prof. Cerf
Wired. Get inside a hacker's mind (2015.01.01)
Fortune. "Why you have already made up your mind about Donald Trump" (2016.01.28)
Entrepreneur. On Human Intelligence combined with machine learning (2016.02.03)
Huffington Post. "The Post-Virtual World: Invisible Interfaces and Our Experience of Reality" (2017.01.21)
Poets and Quants. "The Founder: The new story of the old America" (2017.02.03)
Forbes. "Virtual Reality, Sex And Chocolate Cake: Desire In A Post-Virtual World' (2017.02.23)
Dana.Org. "The science and the story of the drugs that changed our minds. Review" (2018.09.01)
Fortune. There’s still time to stop the tech monopoly takeover (2018.03.08)
Singularity HUB. "3 Practical Solutions to Offset Automation’s Impact on Work" (2019.03.11)
MediaCat. "You know nothing about me" (2021.04.26)

Articles about our research
Wired, "Neuron recordings capture brain focus on Josh Brolin" (2010.10.26)
The Scientist, “Directing attention via machine" (2010.10.26)
Xinmin news, “If the stocks would have been connected to pain - people would know when to sell" (2010.10.27)
Zhejiang Art, Science, Technology, “Scientist Moran Cerf talks on the future of brain research" (2010.10.27)
Yorkshire evening post, “Science: Volunteers control screen images by thought alone" (2010.10.27)
Discover, “Harnessing your Marilyn Monroe neurons" (2010.10.27)
NIH, “From touchpad to thought-pad" (2010.10.27)
New Scientist, “Brain link lets people choose images by thought alone" (2010.10.27)
io9, “Mind-reading machines could soon record your dreams" (2010.10.27)
Nature news, “‘Marilyn Monroe’ neuron aids mind control" (2010.10.27)
EurekAlert, “Controlling individual cortical nerve cells by human thought" (2010.10.27)
IEEE, “Brain-computer interface eavesdrops on a daydream" (2010.10.27)
Health canal, “Mind over matter: Study shows we consciously exert control over individual neuron" (2010.10.27)
Bloomberg, “Marilyn Monroe photos fuel research for paralyzed patients" (2010.10.27)
Science, “Mind over matter: study shows we consciously exert control over individual neurons" (2010.10.27)
BBC, “Dream recording device ‘possible’ researcher claims" (2010.10.27)
Reuters, "Marilyn Monroe or Johnny Cash? How the brain chooses" (2010.10.27)
La Prensa, "Mind Science Foundation tackles emerging technology at conference" (2010.10.27)
ChattahBox.com, “Scientists developing real-life ‘dream catcher’" (2010.10.27)
The Telegraph, “Scientists plan to record people’s dreams" (2010.10.27)
Yeeyan news, “Mind-reading scanners record and parse dreams" (2010.10.27(
Gizmodo, “Electronic scanner could let psychologists read and record dreams" (2010.10.27)
Kurzweill, “Controlling individual cortical nerve cell by human thought" (2010.10.27)
Jetlib news, “A brain-machine interface built on images of Marilyn Monroe" (2010.10.27)
Neurology today, “Neurons moved through thought in another advance for brain-machine interface" (2010.10.27)
Herald Sun, “US Scientists hope to record people’s dreams" (2010.10.28)
Telegraph.co.uk, “Scientists plan to record people’s dreams" (2010.10.28)
Daily mail, “Scientists hope to record our dreams after successful experiments using brain implants" (2010.10.28)
Daily India, “Device that reads and interprets your dreams may soon be a reality" (2010.10.28)
Metro, “We are on the brink of recording our dreams, scientists say" (2010.10.28)
Time, "Forget Inception. Try extraction: dream recorder is ‘possible'" (2010.10.29)
MIT Technology review, “Single cell brain control" (2010.10.29)
Time, "Controlling your world with a single neuron" (2010.10.29)
Engadget, “UCLA/Caltech researchers help patients move mouse cursors with their brains" (2010.11.02)
Current Biology, “Neural control: Closed loop human brain reading" (2011.01.25)
Scientific American, "Being John Malkovich" (2011.03.01)
MSNBC, “New brain machine reads minds" (2011.03.14)
Wired, "Human brains are primally wired to notice animals" (2011.08.29)
Slate.Com. "Product placement goes digital" (2011.09.14)
Slate.com, 'Product placement goes viral" (2011.09.14)
BBC, "Will we ever… decode dreams?" (2012.02.21)
NPR, "The man who could record your dreams" (2012.03.13)
Discovery, “Mind over machine" (2013.02.11)
Sciences Campus, “Décoder le contenu de rêves via IRM" (2013.05.04)
Smart Planet, Pure Genius, "Moran Cerf, hacker-turned-neuroscientist, on controlling the brain" (2013.07.15)
Tehelka.com, “I Realized that it was possible to Break Into the most Fascinating Black Box In The World" (2013.11.09)
Huffington Post, “Inde: que Penser de Think?" (2013.11.18)
Kellogg Insights, “How to influence people through dreams" (2016.02.14)
Elle, “The terrifying power of the subconscious" (2014.03.25)
NBC's USA Networks, "The Science of Dreams" (2014.05.04)
Slate, “Do Americans think corporations have the right to religious freedom" (2014.07.01)
JWM, “Well being" (2014.07.12)
NYU Stern Marketing Newsletter. Fall/Winter Edition 2010. Featured research" (2014.08.01)
Red Bulletin, “Human 2.0" (2014.08.11)
Kellogg News, “How to read a mind" (2014.09.23)
Kellogg Insight, “Can your business benefit from Neuromarketing?" (2014.11.03)
Fortune, “Sexist Super Bowl Ads" (2015.01.30)
Automotive News, "Surveys can lie, but the brain knows if shoppers like ads" (2015.03.07)
Dana Foundation News, “Dreamweavers" (2015.03.18)
La-isha, "The only Israeli on Elle's list of most eligible bachelors" (2015.03.25)
Epoch Times, "Can one incept ideas in our brain?" (2015.04.28)
China Art Newspaper, “When neuroscience and big data hack into art" (2015.05.06)
Chicago Tribune, "How to save your brain for work: Wear the same outfit everyday" (2015.05.29)
Marketing Daily, “Brain Research: What’s the Best Length for a Super Bowl Spot?" (2015.06.13)
BuddyTV, "'On Leaks Between Reality and Dreams" (2015.09.15)
Make Magazine, “Let’s Start Hacking Brains" (2015.11.18)
Fortune, “Why you’ve already made up your mind about Donald Trump" (2016.01.28)
Haas Newsroom, “Peeking inside the mind of a football fanatic" (2016.02.09)
China TV, “How the brain is deceived" (2016.03.16)
China Beta, “U.S. scientist on the future of reading dreams from the brain" (2016.05.16)
Premium Lifestyle, “The next generation of technology will be more remarkable than we can imagine" (2016.07.04)
512 Tech, “Inside the fascinating world of neuroscience media research" (2016.09.29)
Outer Places, “How the Dream Hacking in USA’s ‘Falling Water’ could happen in real life" (2016.10.08)
BuzzFeed, "This Is How Millennials Dream" (2016.10.11)
Mashable, "USA's 'Falling Water' will change the way you see your dreams" (2016.10.12)
Quartz, "How does USA Network follow a surprise hit like "Mr. Robot"? It makes something even weirder" (2016.10.13)
The Atlantic, "Falling Water Is the Dull Endpoint of Conspiracy-Theory TV" (2016.10.13)
LiveScience, "Dream Control: Science and TV Explore the Weird Possibilities" (2016.10.24)
Quebec times, "Scientist: there is the main component of the happiness of man" (2016.10.24)
The Free Press, "PopTech’s Quiet, Awesome Adulthood" (2016.10.27)
BuzzFeed, 'People Are Having Disturbingly Similar Dreams About Donald Trump" (2016.11.07)
The Sydney Morning Herald, "lucid dreaming a virtual reality" (2016.11.30)
Kellogg Insight, "Monitoring moviegoers' brains can predict box office success" (2017.03.23)
Inverse, "The Science of Watching Movie Trailers Looks a Lot Like Brainwashing" (2017.03.20)
BGR, “Brain scanning accurately predicts how well a movie will do in theaters" (2017.03.20)
Tweak Town, “Brain scans can now predict box office success of movies" (2017.03.20)
Phys.org, “Neuroscience technique measures how well films will do at box office" (2017.03.20)
New York Post, "Brain scans can predict how much money movies will make" (2017.03.21)
Digital Trends, “Studying brain waves while watching trailers can help predict a film's success" (2017.03.21)
Daily Mail, “Brain scans of people watching movie trailers can predict if it’ll be a hit" (2017.03.22)
The Wrap, “Brain Waves Can Predict Box Office Success, Study Says" (2017.03.22)
Business Insider, “Two neuroscientists predict whether a movie will be a box office hit" (2017.03.23)
Quartz, “Our brainwaves can show whether a movie will hit or miss at the box office, neuroscientists say" (2017.03.29)
Rivard Report, “Neuroscientist Will 'Hack Your Dreams" (2017.05.01)
IMDb, “Brain Waves Can Predict Box Office Success, Study Says" (2017.06.09)
MarketWatch, "How scientists can use your brain to find the next Hollywood blockbuster (2017.06.13)
Kellogg Insight, “Can Neuroscience Build a Better Ad?" (2016.07.07)
China daily, “What is Human version 2.0? American neurobiologist answers" (2017.07.18)
The Jewish Journal, "Good decisions - good neighbors" (2017.09.07)
Sputnik news, "You become alike: neuroscientist finds friends’ brain waves sync over time" (2017.09.11)
Big Ten Network, "Two Northwestern professors figured out which trailers will make you buy more tickets" (2017.09.17)
Rivard Report, "Mind Science Foundation to explore link between technology and consciousness" (2017.09.28)
San Antonio News, "Mind Science Foundation conference in San Antonio brings emerging neuroscientists" (2017.10.02)
El Confidencial, "Las seis decisiones más importantes que toda persona tiene que tomar en su visa" (2017.10.13)
OpenPR, "Brain Monitoring Market : Overview by upcoming challenges and future forecast 2025" (2017.10.18)
Business Insider, "Six of the biggest misconceptions about happiness, according to science" (2017.10.20)
Emmi Solutions, "A neuroscientist, a computer hacker and a Rabbi Walk into a technology company (2017.10.20)
CB Insight, "The Elon Musk effect: 8 big industries brain hacking could transform" (2017.10.26)
CB Insight, "How tech companies are making brain hacking a reality" (2017.10.26)
The Free Press, "America asleep at the keyboard as cyber warfare gets real" (2017.10.26)
CNN, "Why you're hardwired to be bad at money" (2017.11.07)
Daily Mail, "Choosing the right friends is the key to happiness: groups 'sync' their brainwaves" (2017..11.08)
The Earth Chronicles, "The main component of happiness is named" (2017.11.09)
Inquirer, "Good friends mimic each other’s brainwaves, neuroscientist claims" (2017.11.11)
Forbes, "How to use neuroscience to improve your career" (2017.11.21)
Forbes, “New neuroscience study reveals what worry about money does to your brain" (2017.11.28)
WGN Radio, “Money savvy gifts, O’hare express trains, & Your brain on finance" (2017.11.29)
Rizzarr, "How exactly a deep breath changes your mind" (2017.12.08)
Quartz, "Neuroscientists have identified how exactly a deep breath changes your mind" (2017.12.23)
AOL News, “Dream recording and playback comes closer to reality" (2018.04.05)
Las Vegas Sun, 'Tools of neuroscience deliver new insights about consumer behavior" (2018.01.15)
Business Insider, "Formerly obese economists lost 120 pounds in 18 months - here are their tricks" (2018.01.29)
Business Insider, "2 formerly obese economists who lost 120 pounds relied on this strategy" (2018.02.20)
SDP Noticias, "San Miguel de Allende reúne a mentes brillantes para celebrar el amor" (2018.03.13)
Business Insider , "The behaviors that affect weight can be explained by economic theories" (2018.04.03)
The Grapevine, "Scientists are getting closer to recording your dreams" (2018.04.12)
Tree Hugger, "Why one neuroscientist never needs a menu" (2018.05.03)
SS&C, "You may have Siri and Alexa, but do you have Amee?" (2018.07.12)
Globes , "We are heading to an era with no sex, no children, and no pain or aversion" (2018.08.03)
FrenchWeb, "How some companies hack your brain" (2018.08.24)
Forbes, "The 3 worst ways that people pick a political candidate" (2018.09.27)
Kenosha News , "Community leaders inspired at leadership motivation event" (2018.10.12)
Time China, "American scientist talks on the future of the brain research’s limitless possibilities" (2018.12.27)
The Hollywood Reporter , "Sundance: filmmakers and neuroscientists talk predictive data and marketing" (2019.01.19)
CBS, "Northwestern Neuroscientist Researching Brain Chips to Make People Superintelligent" (2019.03.04)
Washington Times, "Brain-chip recipients may soon look at men and think - put it back in a cage" (2019.03.04)
Breitbart, "Neuroscientist Researching Intelligence-Enhancing Microchips" (2019.03.05)
Longroom News, "Neuroscientist Researching Intelligence-Enhancing Microchips" (2019.03.05)
Focus, '" segreti della mente" (2019.03.18)
Medium, "The secret behind the Neuroscience of understanding your customer" (2019.03.24)
Sapo, 'Neurocientista Moran Cerf prevê que próxima guerra mundial será entre 'hackers" (2019.04.06)
Forbes (Hebrew), 'Who is training who? How AI is changing us?" (2019.04.11)
HR in Asia, 'How to train your brain to make better decisions" (2019.06.20)
United Arab Emirates Info, 'Businesses can "talk" to your brain - literally!" (2019.06.25)
BAI, 'How cyberthieves found blockchain’s weak link" (2019.07.03)
Mirage News, 'Want more investors for your stratup? Better make an impassioned pitch" (2019.09.11)
Wealth Professionals, 'Investors are attracted to passionate entrepreneurs science says" (2019.09.13)
360 Magazine, 'Make a passionate pitch—if you want investors" (2019.09.16)
Strategic Sourcerer, 'Big Ideas 2019: AI And The Future Of Human Evolution" (2019.09.18)
Strategic Sourcerer, "Big Ideas 2019: 5 Takeaways From The Procurious Big Ideas Summit" (2019.09.18)
The Ladders, '2 ways entrepreneurs can make themselves better before their next pitch" (2019.09.19)
Spend Matters, "Procurement pros rise to the occasion" (2019.09.23)
Management Today, "So what if there's an AI jobs apocalypse?" (2019.10.15)
Chicago Tribute, "Curious to explore your curiosity? TEDx will feature astronauts doctors and others" (2019.10.23)
Patch.com, "Local TED event For the curious" (2019.10.24)
Qrius, "Researchers monitored moviegoers’ brains. Here’s what they found out" (2019.11.23)
Manila Bulletin, "Harnessing Filipino marketing creativity at World Marketing Summit 2020" (2019.12.18)
Market Research Gazette, 'Brain Monitoring Market – Provide strategic profiling of key players by 2025" (2020.01.31)
Business Insider, "These are the common traits most likely to net you a match on a dating app" (2020.02.13)
Berlingske, "Tag den blå pille og få implanteret en chip i hjernen" (2020.02.26)
Cryptocurrency News, "Brain Monitoring Market – Noticeable changes in trends 2025" (2020.03.06)
Psychology Today, "Can we stop the Pandemic and save the economy?" (2020.05.20)
Courier, "The scientific art of decision-making" (2020.09.23)
Knowledge@Wharton, 'Better Communication Through Neuroscience' (2020.10.13)
Daily Mail, 'Elon Musk's Neuralink and other brain chips spark ethical concerns among experts' (2020.11.12)
The Marker, 'In the end, Google's security is managed by humans. One mistake - and things will collapse' (2020.11.12)
Time, '5 Mental tricks that will make you better at money, according to neuroscientists' (2021.01.20)
WalletHub, 'Ask the Experts' (2021.04.13)
Luckbox, 'Money over mind' (2022.01.12)
MarkUp, 'Il futuro del marketing è nelle neuroscienze (2022.03.12)
Screenshot, 'Meet dream hacking, the dystopian future of advertising where marketers hijack our sleep' (2022.05.14)
Dezeen, 'Therme Art hosts a panel that discusses the future of wellbeing' (2022.07.23)
Lini Sulsel, 'Brand new study by Dating App Hinge shows that similarities are important ' (2022.10.05)
Our Town , 'Off Broadway: Science and Theater' (2022.11.30)
City Life, 'Science in theatre festival review: NY interactive performances with scientific insight ' (2022.12.16)
Big Think, 'Why is it taboo to talk about money ' (2023.01.18)
Jewish Chronicle, 'Are we heading for Armageddon by accident? ' (2023.02.03)
Israel21c, 'Generative AI and sustainability are the trends to watch' (2023.02.07)
Inverse, 'The Wildest Sci-Fi Show on Netflix Defies the Rules of Dream Science' (2023.02.11)
Softonic, 'Netflix's Alice in Borderland: Answers About Shared Dreams' (2023.02.22)
Northwestern | Engineering News, 'The Common Ground Between Art and Science' (2023.04.15)
Cape Capital | Folio, 'Decoding our dreams' (2023.05.04)
Passionate in Marketing, 'TED Gateway returns to Mumbai' (2023.05.23)
International Business Times, 'TedxGateway returns to Mumbai; 25 speakers, Big Idea Scholarship Pass' (2023.05.25)
Columbia News, 'Envisioning new possibilities for climate and data at the climate conference' (2023.05.31)
Next Avenue, 'Science Fiction May Be Reality Five Years Later' (2023.06.10)
New York Times, 'Will ‘Future You’ Thank ‘Today You’ for Getting Married?' (2023.08.10)
The Messenger, 'Don’t Believe in Climate Change? Bet on It' (2023.08.15)
New York Times, 'Nuclear War Could End the World, but What if It’s All in Our Heads?' (2023.08.22)
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SATA24, 'One of the leading neuroscientists had joined the list of impressive names' (2024.02.27)
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Business Insider's "Asking for a Friend"
2020.12.21. "On giving great holiday gifts"
2020.12.29. "On New Years resolutions and managing challenging relationships"
2021.01.12. "A brain science expert shares his 30-second exercise to jumpstart your creative thinking at work"
2021.01.25. "A brain science expert shares tips for regulating anxiety and emotions during tumultuous times"
2021.04.02. "How to encourage skeptical family members to get the COVID vaccine"
2021.04.13. "Advice I'd give to my younger self, according to a neuroscientist and business professor"
2021.07.05. "Handshakes will return quickly post-pandemic — a neuroscientist explains why"
eIstra, "Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan od vodećih neuroznanstvenika" (2024.02.27)
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Marketing365, "На листата на импресивни имиња на Денови на комуникациите невронаучници" (2024.02.27)
Media Marketing, "Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio neuroznanstvenika" (2024.02.27)
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Profitiraj.hr, "Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan vodećih neuroznanstvenika" (2024.02.27)
Woman Comm, "Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan od vodećih neuroznanstvenika" (2024.02.27)
Instore, "Popisu imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan od vodećih neuroznanstvenika" (2024.02.28)
Jatrogav, "Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se neuroznanstvenik Moran Cerf" (2024.02.28)
Fashion HR, 'Na Dane komunikacija stiže neuroznanstvenik koji će otkriti kako 'hakirati':' (2024.02.28)
Index HR, 'Na Danima komunikacija u Rovinju jedan od vodećih neuroznanstvenika' (2024.02.28)
Klix, 'Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan od vodećih neuronaučnika:' (2024.02.28)
Lider, 'Popisu impresivnih imena Dana komunikacija pridružio se jedan od vodećih neuroznanstvenika:' (2024.02.28)
Business Today, 'We might be able to cure cancer with Musk’s Neuralink:' (2024.03.15)
BNN Breaking, 'Bridging Neuroscience and Business:' (2024.03.15)
UTSA Today, 'AI experts challenge students at recent NSF AI Spring School:' (2024.03.15)
India Today, 'Could dreams be transferred? Neuroscientist answers:' (2024.03.16)
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